The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirmed the Mayor of Banjar, Ade Uu Sukaesih,
regarding the business activities carried out by his family.
The KPK, Wednesday (12/8), examined Ade as a witness in the investigation
of the alleged corruption case of infrastructure work projects at the PUPR Office of Banjar City,
West Java for the 2012-2017 Fiscal Year.
“Investigators have confirmed to the person concerned a number of matters,
including the business activities carried out by the witness’ family,” said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday (13/8).
In addition, the KPK also examined the Head of the Banjar City DPPKAD for the 2011-2016 period
and the Acting Regional Secretary of Banjar City for the period March 2017-November 2017 Yuyung Mulyasungkawa
as witnesses in the investigation of the case.
“Investigators dig up witness statements related to the duties and roles of witnesses while serving as Head of the DPPKAD of Banjar City
and confirm the witness’s knowledge of the witness’s closeness to officials in the Banjar City Government,” said Ali.
Then, KPK investigators also questioned the Director of PT Cahaya Kristal Putra Dadang Alamsyah.

“Witness Dadang Alamsyah, the investigator digs up the witness’ knowledge regarding the projects carried out by the Banjar City PUPR Service
and also confirmed who working on the project,” Ali said.
He said that the complete statements of the witnesses contained in the Investigation Report (BAP) which made before the investigator.
“Currently, we cannot convey the details because of course in due time the testimony of the witnesses
will be delivered entirely in a trial which is open to the public,” he said.
Regarding the case in Banjar City,
the KPK is currently unable to convey in detail the parties that have been designated as suspects
as the KPK leadership policy states that the suspect’s announcement
will be made when the arrest or detention has been carried out.