Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim attending a work meeting with Commission X at the DPR RI Building, Senayan, Jakarat, Thursday (20 August).
Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim announced that the government would provide credit allowances in the education sector.
This credit allowance is given to students, teachers, and students to support distance learning (PJJ) during the corona pandemic.
“So I am happy to announce today, we have received approval for a budget of IDR 9 trillion for this year which we will mobilize for pulses or data quota for students, student teachers, lecturers for the next three, four months,” said Nadiem.
Nadiem has not specified when the credit allowance will be disbursed.
However, he said the Ministry of Education and Culture encourages the credit allowance for students, lecturers, and students to be disbursed immediately.
On that occasion, Nadiem also thanked the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani for having granted the Ministry of Education and Culture’s request to provide a budget for credit allowances.
In addition to the credit allowance, Nadiem said that the Ministry of Education and Culture has also secured the professional lecturer allowance of IDR 1.7 trillion.