Nvidia just announced their GeForce RTX 3000 Series graphics card, and it’s safe to say the promises are very good. Many people are curious how AMD competes, but as it turns out, AMD is not just a pedal to the launch of the Big Navi RX 6000 – it is also entering the bike market.
Okay, you might think we’re having fun there, but AMD is now selling bikes as a new item on AMD’s Fan Store. Two types of bikes are available to purchase: AMD Custom Cruiser and AMD Custom Mountain Bike, which we consider the XT model as it is for enthusiasts.
While the cruiser bike comes gearless and only the coaster brake (reverse-pedal brake), the AMD mountain bike is surprisingly well equipped with a fan element. It features Shimano full-motion 21 gear, dual-suspension frame, 26-inch wheels, linear traction brakes, and a quick-release competition holder.
Both bikes come with two color options, both come in white with black tires, or black with white tires. The mountain bike comes with optional orange tires when you really want to show the world that you are Ryzen!
Interestingly, all models cost $ 299, and there is a $ 50 shipping charge within the US. If you are more interested in positioning AMD’s efforts in the chip market, visit our Intel vs. AMD CPU article.