You get a bunch of opportunities to prove your innocence on the Skeld.
In Among Us, cute and squishy astronauts must complete tasks while avoiding a horrible death at the hands of an Imposter, who lurks among them. Getting to know each of the game’s three maps requires some time, and understanding how to complete each task is sometimes easier said than done. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here are all the tasks you’ll encounter on The Skeld in Among Us.
Tasks are separated into three categories: Common, Short, and Long.
- Short tasks require a single step or very little effort.
- Long tasks have multiple steps, usually requiring the player to wait a certain amount of time or move to different parts of the ship.
- Common tasks are given to every single Crewmate.
There are 14 tasks to be completed in The Skeld. Five of those tasks are visual, which means you can use that task to prove your innocence to other players. Also, if you’re killed, you can still complete your tasks to help the remaining Crewmates win.
These are all the tasks found on The Skeld. Knowing where all of the tasks are and how to complete them will give you the edge you’ll need to win the game, whether you’re a Crewmate or an Imposter. There’s even more to cover in the game’s two other maps, MIRA HQ and Polus. Among Us is one of the best party games available right now. Its addictive whodunit multiplayer is a surefire at any party or gathering.