The acting (Pj) Regent of Bengkalis, Syahrial Abdi attended the Presentation of Regional Heads in the Assessment and Awarding Incentives (the 2020 Innovative Government Award) by virtual in the Workroom of Assistant III of the Regional Secretariat of Riau Province, at Riau Governor Office Pekanbaru on Thursday afternoon, November 5, 2020.
“Praise the Lord (Alhamdulillah), Bengkalis Regency was nominated for the innovation award in the framework of assessing and awarding the 2020 Innovative Government Award (IGA),” said Syahrial Abdi.
Bengkalis Regency is included in the Regional Government which is very innovative with a certain scale of the Border Area.
The Acting Regent of Bengkalis enthusiastically and firmly delivered a virtual presentation.
Some of the materials presented were regional characteristics, opportunities and challenges, vision, and mission, background and objectives of regional innovations, strategies, processes, and funding.
Also related to governance, public service, other forms of regional innovation, the UED/K-SP program, the One Village One Ambulance (Samsade) program, the E-Journalist Application from Disco Communications and Information Technology, and the E-Pinter of the Investment Service and One-Stop Integrated Service.
After the presentation delivered by the Acting Regent of Bengkalis in a virtual manner, there are four assessment teams were immediately asked.
First, from Mr. Helmi asking about the local superiority of Bengkalis, Second Mr. Gamal asking about the impact felt,
Third, Mr. Rudi asking about E-Pinter and also one village with an ambulance,
And fourth, Mr. Jumain asked about the Bengkalis products that sed to Malaysia.
Syahrial Abdi also said that the 2020 Innovative Government Award (IGA) competition was a very prestigious moment and must be followed properly, so it could bring the name of Bengkalis Regency to the national level.
This virtual presentation event was accompanied by the Head of Investment and One-Stop Services Mr. Basuki Rakhmad, the Acting Head of Balitbang Mr. Dahen Tawakkal, the Head of Communication and Informatics and Statistics Office Johansyah Mr. Syafri, and the Head of Prokopim Mr. Muhammad Fadhli.