Going through step by step to run the Warehouse Receipt System (SRG), finally the Inhil Government (Pemkab), Riau received a certificate from Sucofindo.
“We have received a certificate from Sucofindo some time ago in Pekanbaru,” explained Sekdakab Inhil, Afrizal.
Afrizal explained that a warehouse receipt is a document of proof that the ownership of stored goods in a registered warehouse. Warehouse receipt issued by the warehouse manager.
“For now, the Inhil Regency Government through PT KIG as a warehouse manager candidate will utilize the existing warehouse in Tembilahan Hilir, Parit 21 Port,” he continued.
Until now, the SRG PT KIG will undertake various efforts, which is conducting an MoU with PT Superintending Company of Indonesia or more popularly abbreviated as SUCOFINDO, which is an Indonesian BUMN that is engaged in inspection, supervision, testing, and assessment.
To implement this SRG, must go through various requirements and certifications, including; Warehouse ownership and warehouse management. In this case, the private party has appointed PT KIG as a candidate for the warehouse manager who has the certification.
“By receiving the certificate from Sucofindo, it means that our Inhil Regional Government has passed 1 stage to obtain an SRG operational permit”, said Afrizal.