The Regent of Siak Alfedri hopes that the program planned for the next 2022, in Lubuk Dalam sub-district, there is a blacksmith business, which provides tools for oil palm plantations.
“I ask that in Lubuk Dalam, there is a blacksmith business, we in this district do not have a blacksmith business, we just make dodos, so far we buy products from Kampar. We have an oil palm plantation in Siak which covers 342 thousand hectares. Of course, we need a dodos tool, sir, does he make tonjok, egrek or something else, “said Alfedri when attending the Economic Empowerment Coordination Meeting for Poor Families, in the hall of the head office, Sri Gading, Lubuk Dalam sub-district.
He continued, this business potential has considerable economic value, because all residents who have oil palm plantations in Siak are looking for agricultural tools such as palm dodos. For that, ask the sub-district head on the existing blacksmith business data.
“Later, we will enter it into the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) business program. So please collect data on all the MSMEs that are already running, later we will gather again to determine what products are suitable for development” he said.
Alfedri also conveyed that the utilization of Village Funds was 60 percent, a policy of the President which was directed at improving the economy and Human Resources (HR).
“Development is important, but there is something more important, human development, we build people through strengthening the economy and increasing human resources. Infrastructure is allowed, but the infrastructure is in direct contact to improve the economy and human resources. So, sir, ask for cooperation. When will we help? our underprivileged brothers, this is the time, “he said.
From the data obtained, the number of the Hope Family Program for Sri Gading village was 58 people, at the meeting, there were various proposals including planting red chilies, sweet potato chips, and tempe chips business, chicken and quail livestock, Jangung and secondary crops farmers.
“We have 58 pre-prosperous data first so that in 2022 we can get data on who, from which village and what village was made from which village, we already know. We just have to try to provide assistance, from the leader, the Village companion scholar, Field Experience Practice Program and officers. The Hope Family Program from the social service “he said.
He reminded that in the course of his future the use of administrative government funds would be a concern, with good intentions but wrong in budgeting, it could have fatal consequences later.