The Regent of Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) Regency, HM Wardan, determined that the steps for handling Covid-19 patients were carried out by means of integrated isolation at the Islamic Center after an agreement was made with the Indragiri Hilir Regency Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Monday, May 31, 2021.
The agreement was obtained at a meeting of the Indragiri Hilir Regency Covid-19 Task Force led by the Regent as the Head of the Inhil Regency Covid-19 Handling Task Force in the Indragiri Hilir Regent’s Office Hall, Tembilahan.
According to the Regent’s assessment, one of the factors for the increasing number of deaths of Covid-19 patients is due to uncontrolled Covid-19 patients undergoing independent isolation.
In order to optimize efforts to reduce the death rate of Covid-19 patients through this integrated isolation, the Regent asked the Indragiri Hilir District Health Office and the management of the Puri Husada Tembilahan Hospital to prepare a budget proposal that will be used within the next 3 months.
“The day after tomorrow, immediately submit a budget, so that positive patients are immediately isolated at the Islamic Center. Also do a budget for the next 3 months, with a note prioritizing mandatory and real needs so that optimization of treatment is not hampered, but still tries to be efficient,” said the Regent.
Furthermore, the Regent requested that the Health Service and management of the Puri Husada Hospital be able to accommodate the needs of the Covid-19 doctor team so that medical treatment can be optimal.
“To respond to current conditions, it is necessary to have a strategy for handling, optimizing isolation rooms and maximizing budget availability by implementing a priority scale so that effectiveness can be achieved while still paying attention to efficiency,” explained the Regent.
In addition to efforts at the level of handling patients, various efforts are also continuously carried out by the Covid-19 Task Force of Indragiri Hilir Regency at the prevention level, such as enforcement of health protocol discipline, controlling various community activities and conducting regular hearings for health protocol violators.
At the Inhil Regency Covid-19 Task Force meeting at that time, several elements of the Inhil Regency Regional Leadership Communication Forum were present, such as the Indragiri Hilir Police Chief, Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant (AKBP) Dian Setyawan and Dandim 0314/Inhil, Lt. Col. Inf. Imir Faishal.