Author: Dahari, 113rd LKJ TMMD Kodim 0303/Bengkalis.
After traveling for almost 5 hours, by sea and land, we finally arrived at the location of the 113th Manunggal Village Building (TMMD) in 2022, Bengkalis Regency, in Hamlet III Air Hitam, Semunai Village, Pinggir District. Semunai Village is one of two villages designated as the location of the 113rd TMMD in Bengkalis Regency. The other is Muara Basung Village, both of which are in Pinggir District.
The location of TMMD from the center of Pinggir District is actually not too far, it takes no more than 1 hour. However, from the center of the capital KabupAten Bengkalis which is located on the island of Bengkalis, the journey to the TMMD location is quite time consuming. Before traveling overland, I along with several other media colleagues had to cross using a ferry to Sei Pakning with an estimated crossing time of about 1 hour outside the queue time. Only then continue the journey by land via Dumai and the toll road to Pinggir District.
At the same time, it was Saturday 23 April 2022, I actually got an invitation to cover an activity in Bengkalis City. I chose to cover TMMD activities which at that time entered the Pre-TMMD period. Apart from being close to TNI friends, doing TMMD coverage also gives other nuances. There is a great sense of curiosity about how the real conditions on the ground are, how the TNI is with the people.

In every year the implementation of TMMD activities, there is always something interesting to be used as news material. Besides aiming to realize the acceleration of an equitable development process for the welfare of the Indonesian people, both physically and non-physically, one thing that is interesting is the unity of the TNI with the people, the closeness of the TNI with the people. The people are no longer afraid of the TNI, even considering the TNI as part of the big family in Indonesian households.
Before the reform period, this TMMD was known as ABRI Enters the Village (AMD). However, after reformation, with the separation of the Indonesian National Police from the TNI on April 1, 1999, ABRI Enters the Village (AMD) changed its name to TNI Manunggal Build Village (TMMD). Both before and after the reform, the TNI’s unity with the people through the implementation of AMD and TMMD always existed and gave rise to different stories.
Bengkalis Regency was no exception, during the Pre-TMMD implementation on Jalan School RT003/RW005, Semunai Village, middle-aged mothers were actively helping TNI officers to level the roads with the piled up soil. With a hoe and a cart from home, these mothers collaborated with the TNI Task Force to level roads, fill potholes and remove bushes that block the road.
These mothers did not feel the slightest awkward doing this work. They skillfully swung their hoes, dug up the soil and carried them in a cart to fill the potholes on the road. “Don’t take a photo, sis, we’ll go viral later,” said oneone mother laughed as she carried the cart and wanted to be immortalized by journalists.

The commander of the Kodim (Dandim) 0303 Bengkalis, Lt. Col. (Inf) Endik Yunia Hermanto, who happened to be in the field at that time, felt proud when he saw the mothers working enthusiastically. but also wallowing in mud when piling up potholes.
“Well, this is what I like. Thank you to the women who have helped the soldiers of the Bengkalis Kodim 0303 in completing their work at the 113rd TMMD location,” he said.
The praise from a district-level regional military and operational operational command for the Indonesian Army (AD) made the mothers even more enthusiastic about working to help the TNI Task Forces who were also wallowing in the mud. In the eyes of the community, especially the residents of Dusun III, the figure of Lieutenant Colonel (Inf) Endik Yunia Hermanto is known to be very friendly, likes to mingle with the community, share experiences with each other.
“I can honestly say and it’s also the first time I’ve met Mr. Dandim. After I looked closely, it turns out that Mr. Dandim Bengkalis is a friendly and kind person, likes to share experiences, basically people get along,” said a local resident, Parulian S.
According to him, he will be ready to help staff to make the 113rd Manunggal Village Development (TMMD) TNI program a success in 2022, which is being carried out by Kodim 0303/Bengkalis. “As long as I am given health during this TMMD activity, I will be ready to help my energy, go down together, work together. Moreover, this is what our place was built for,” he said excitedly.

I stayed at the location for a few days to see the preparations of the TNI Task Force in collaboration with the community in finalizing the preparations for the pre-TMMD implementation. From the two villages that became the location of TMMD, there were four activities carried out, namely, road improvement (road base) for the Farmer Group RT 01/05 Dusun 3 Sialang Muda, Muara Basung Village along 793 meters x 4 meters x 0.25 meters, making box culverts on Jl. . SD RT 002/005 Dusun Jaya Makmur Semunai Village measuring 1.5 meters x 1.5 meters x 1.5 meters, road improvement (road cementation) Jl. SD RT 002/005 Dusun Jaya Makmur Semunai Village along 404 meters x 3 meters x 0.15 meters, and the manufacture of box culvert Jl. Acehan RT 04/09 Dusun 04 Central Ladang Muara Basung Village measuring 1.5 meters x 1.5 meters x 1.5 meters.
The road which is the target of TMMD is indeed feasible for cementing as well as the base of the road considering its very vital function in supporting people’s daily activities. Like the SD Road in Semunai Village, apart from being used for traffic activities of an economic nature, it is also for education. In this area, there are SD 16 and Kindergarten. The initial condition of this road is a dirt road with potholes and muddy when it rains. Children who go on foot choose to carry their shoes so they don’t get wet and wear them when they arrive at school.
It is difficult for four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles to pass through this road, especially during the rainy season. Tuesday, April 26, 2022, it is clear in memory that the TNI Task Forces on duty in the field received an “additional task” to help vehicles that were overwhelmed by the road after it was raining. Residents who drive on school roads seem overwhelmed through muddy terrain and slippery roads.
Seeing this condition, TNI soldiers enthusiastically helped residents through School Street. While leveling and compacting the dirt road surface using sand and gravel, they are not tired of helping passing vehicles. “Earlier we (almost) fell, because the road was muddy and very slippery. Luckily there were TNI men, I immediately grabbed my motorbike and pushed it out of the puddle,” said Krisna, a resident of the RT001/RW005 Air Hitam Hamlet.
Apart from motorcycles, four-wheeled double cabin vehicles also lost control on the same road. In fact, the car almost entered the canal on the side of the road. Trying to get out of the puddle, the vehicle got stuck even deeper. Seeing this incident, the soldiers of the Kodim 0303 Bengkalis who were on duty at the target location of the TMMD activity immediately helped. Around 7 soldiers tried to help the car driver who got stuck in the mud on the school road.

Led by Pasilog First Lieutenant (Inf) Ucok Doni Samosir, efforts to rescue vehicles trapped in the mud were carried out quickly. If you are not agile, the traffic of road users in the area could be disrupted considering that the road is the only way to reach the Dusun III Air Hitam State Elementary School, Semunai Village, Pinggir District.
“After the motorcycle, there was another car that was stuck in the mud. We will immediately help, afraid of disturbing the traffic of residents. Moreover, there is a community celebration (party), so we evacuate immediately,” said First Lieutenant Ucok.
After struggling for about 45 minutes, this black four-wheeled vehicle managed to get out of the puddle. The driver was happy and relieved, and did not forget to thank all the soldiers of the Bengkalis Kodim who had helped.
“Thank you, gentlemen, for helping to push my car. Otherwise, we don’t know how long we will be stuck here, because if we wait for other residents, it will take a long time. That’s why I am very grateful, always enthusiastic, Mr. Army, “said Andi, the driver of the double cabin car.
It didn’t stop there, right at the crossroads of the school, a motorcycle user also fell due to the steep entrance. As a result, he and the children who were brought down fell onto a dirt and rocky road. Seeing the incident, Pasandi Kodim 0303 Bengkalis, First Lieutenant (Arh) R Sinaga ran fast and helped the driver who fell not far from the 113th TMMD target location. He politely helped set up a motorbike that Wiwit was known to drive.

When Lt. R. Sinaga helped set up the motorbike, other soldiers were busy checking on the condition of the motorbike’s children, whenever they were injured in the minor accident. When checked, all are in good condition without any injuries. However, some parts of the two-wheeled vehicle that Wiwit was driving were damaged and the Bengkalis Kodim Pasandi immediately fixed it.
The soldiers of the Bengkalis Kodim are not tired of serving the surrounding community. Relentless even though they are fasting (Muslim warriors), they are still consistent in carrying out their service in order to provide broad benefits and convenience for the community.
The commander of Kodim (Dandim) 0303 Bengkalis, Lt. Col. (Inf) Endik Yunia Hermanto was also excited. He said, a soldier’s mentality must be tough and fully dedicated to serving the community. “If you want to help the community in the field, you don’t need my permission. Provide assistance and service as soon as possible, don’t just look around. In fact, I like that soldiers like that have to be nimble. If there are residents who are in trouble, they will be assisted immediately, because it is our collective responsibility,” he said.
Thursday, April 28, 2022, the casting of the School Road began to be marked by the pouring of the first cast cement by the Head of Korem 031 Wira Bima, Lt. Col. Inf. Hipni MF. After that, the entire TMMD Task Force and local residents had a mutual cooperation pattern. Monitoring at the TMMD location after the cementization work started, made the people there happy. “We are happy, finally this road can be cemented. People’s mobility will definitely be much easier,” said Rustam Dolok Saribu, Head of RW005 Dusun II.
Residents willingly help the Task Force team. The dedication that was inscribed created a strong atmosphere of togetherness. Especially when some soldiers were fasting, residents helped each other and finally made the cementing of the road lighter.

“We help, there are 10 to 15 residents every day who help. We will work together and complete the process of cementing this road,” he said.
As scheduled, on Wednesday 11 May 2022, the 113rd TMMD activity in Bengkalis Regency was officially opened by the Commander of Korem 031/Wirabima Brigadier General Parlindungan Hutagalung. The opening ceremony was centered in the Hj Nuriyah Building, Muara Basung Village, Pinggir District. Present at the time, Bengkalis Regent Kasmarni, Dandim 0303/Bengkalis Lt. Col. Inf. Endik Yunia Hermanto, Kajari Bengkalis Rahmat Budiman, and the Dandim under Korem 031/WB.
After the inauguration ceremony, Danrem 031/Wirabima, Brigadier General Parlindungan Hutagalung, together with Bengkalis Regent Kasmarni and Forkopimda, immediately visited the cementing location of Jalan Jaya Makmur through to Jalan Sekolah Dusun III Air Hitam. This location was reached with muddy road conditions, but that did not dampen the steps of the Danrem 031/Wirabima and the Regent and other officials to arrive at the location.
After arriving at the cementization location, the Danrem and the Regent and their entourage also poured the cement mixture that had been kneaded by the TMMD task force team from the Arhanud unit. Not to forget, this one-star general immediately gave encouragement to the entire TMMD Task Force team and the community who helped in this mutual cooperation.
“Work professionally, take care of the health, safety of the personnel and the community here. So that all stages of the activity can be completed at the appointed time, hopefully our active TMMD will get ridho from Allah SWT,” he said.

Bengkalis Regent Kasmarni also gave encouragement to the entire 113rd TMMD Task Force team which was held in two suburban villages. “I convey my gratitude and high appreciation. We believe and believe, through this TMMD activity, a spirit of togetherness will be built that will bring the TNI closer to the people, considering that the TMMD program is part of the commitment, synergy and integration of the TNI in building the nation, state and region,” he said.
Until now the work of TMMD is still ongoing. The community has begun to feel the benefits of some of these jobs. Like the farmers in Muara Basung village, suburban, Bengkalis Regency, after the road they often pass to launch the palm fruit harvest which has begun to be leveled for base stockpiling using heavy equipment, they feel grateful.
One farmer, Sabela, said that before the road was leveled, she and her fellow farmers always slipped and fell into the ditch due to the condition of the farmer’s road, besides being slippery, there were also many big holes. Especially after it was raining.
“Alhamdulillah, we say to the TNI, who has built and leveled the road that we always pass to bring out the harvested palm fruit. Before it was leveled, when we passed this road, we sometimes slipped and fell into a ditch, because the road conditions were not only slippery but also a lot of people. big holes,” Sabela said happily, Thursday, May 12, 2022.
With this TMMD program, Sabela said, it really helps the residents here, because the people here have been waiting for good road access for a long time. “Our gratitude goes to the TNI, especially the Kodim 0303 Bengkalis who has built our road. The reason is that we have longed for a good road. With this TMMD program, it really helps many people,” Sabela said in front of Dandim 0303/Bengkalis Lt. Col. Inf. Endik Yunia Hermanto when visiting the location.

Stunting, Entered the 113th TMMD Program
In addition to physical work, the TMMD program also involves non-physical work, one of which is stunting cases or physical (health) symptoms in the form of stunting. To the Commander of Kodim 0303 Bengkalis, Lt. Col. Inf. Endik Yunia H., Head of the Territorial Section (Kasiter) of Korem 031 Wira Bima, Lt. Col. (Inf.) Hipni M. F. asked that the polemic of stunting or stunting could be handled maximally by involving elements of the government, community and medical personnel.
Dandim 0303/Bengkalis Lt. Col. Inf. Endik, in this case, turned out to have good tactics. He will involve personnel from the Subsidiary Health Center (Pustu) and personnel from the Health Service (Nakes) to educate the public regarding stunting prevention and invite the community around the TMMD target area to lead a healthy life and always fulfill the intake of essential nutrients for the body, especially children.
“We will involve health workers from Pustu or Health Office to help deal with Stunting and other polemics. There is also health education in the community. We present competent officers assisted by soldiers from the Kodim 0303 Bengkalis to provide broad benefits in the health sector. So, local residents don’t need to go far to the city to check their health, we will serve everything throughout the implementation of the TMMD,” said Dandim.
Commander of Kodam I / Bukit Barisan Maj. Gen. TNI Achmad Daniel Chardin accompanied by Kasrem 031 / WB Colonel Abzen Sianturi and his entourage made a working visit centered at the location of the 113th TMMD Kodim 0303 / Bengkalis, Muara Basung Village, Lll Hamlet, Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency.

The arrival of the 2-Star General was immediately welcomed by the Regent of Bengkalis Kasmarni along with the Commander of the Bengkalis Kodim, Lt. Col. Inf Endik Yunia H, Kasi Inteljen Kejari Bengkalis Isnan Ferdian and forkopimda and soldiers of the Bengkalis Kodim.
Meanwhile, Pangdam I / Bukit Barisan Maj. Gen. TNI Achmad Daniel Chardin said, previously he had visited Siak Regency, with Danrem Brigadier General Teguh Raharjo in 2012.
“This afternoon I am grateful to be present in Bengkalis Regency. At that time in 2012 I was present with Danrem BrijenTeguh Raharjo in siak regency. When I was the first Kasrem with the rank of colonel, and the first Mr. Teguh Raharjo Danrem had the rank of Brigadier General,” said Pangdam I /BB, Wednesday, May 24, 2022.
Maj. Gen. TNI Achmad Daniel Chardin explained that the existence of Kodim would be empowered in accordance with the state objectives contained in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution. Protecting the entire nation, advancing the general welfare, educating the life of the nation, participating in carrying out world order.
“Kodim’s task is to align the development planned by the Regional Government with the interests of the security defense side, so that if the development is already underway, the welfare aspect must be achieved. But it does not leave security defense, in this case security is also the domain of the police,”he said.

“I always convey to the ranks of unit commanders in the region in the ranks of the Kodam, that there is no justification whatsoever that the Dandim cannot be in line with the Regent. So, the Regent should not hesitate with the existence of Dandim, because there is really no reason for any justification, Dandim does not support the development organized by the Regent,” he said again.
Then, with the arrival of the two-star general in the village of muara basung, the Regent of Bengkalis Kasmarni expressed his deepest gratitude for the visit of Pangdam I / Bukit Barisan.
“I would like to thank you for pangdam’s visit in Muara Basung Village, Pinggir District, of course, with his visit, we certainly feel very happy, because so far we have never been visited by the General,” said Regent Kasmarni.
He said, hopefully with the visit of the General, muara basung village gets blessings, of course this is also inseparable from synergy and collaboration as conveyed by the General.
“Because so far we have established a good relationship, such as mutual openness and mutual transparency, so that this can make us more compact in the future,” he concluded.