A severe fire at the spare parts warehouse for the Polytron electronics factory in Sayung, Demak, Central Java could only be extinguished after 17 hours.
The unfortunate incident occurred on Wednesday (September 2, 2020) morning.
Fire engines appear in and out of the factory area for the cooling process.
“Information from BPBD (Demak Regency), the blackout was at 06.00 WIB,” said Chief of Sayung Police, AKP Priyono when contacted by detik.com.
Based on reports of the burning of the warehouse of Hartono Istana Teknologi (Polytron) Company on the Pantura Line KM 9, the Semarang-Demak Line, or in Sayung District, Demak has been on fire since Tuesday (1 September) at 01.00 pm.
The part that is burning is a warehouse of electronic spare parts.
Police also said that the fire never went out because the warehouse contained plastic pellets and cardboard.
The officers caught fire 17 hours later.
Until now, there is no known estimate of the number of losses and the possibility of casualties or injuries resulting from the incident.