Regarding the ban on going home to prevent the spread of Covid-19, according to central government regulations from May 6 up to 17, 2021, the Siak Regent H. Alfedri and his entourage checked the post-closure in Minas and Kandis districts.
The checking activity was carried out by the Regent and Assistant I of the Regional Secretariat of the District. Siak Budhi Yuwono, Acting Head of Transportation Department, Head of Pol PP Kaharudin, Head of the National Disaster Management Agency of Siak and other leaders of Regional Apparatus Organization.
“Our arrival here is to ensure that this post is well prepared. Both in terms of location, personnel and other facilities,” said Alfedri.
According to him, all personnel in charge of carrying out a noble task, in order to save human lives and break the chain of Covid-19 transmission.
So that the central government policy must be followed by the district government down to the sub-district and village levels, so that this pandemic can be contained and transmission decreases.
Kapolsek Kandis Police Commissioner Indra Rusdi added, there are 2 insulation posts in Kandis, namely the first at KM. 75 Post blocking exit and at KM. 78 posts blocking the entrance to Siak Regency.
In this case, his party inspects passing vehicles, both public vehicles and goods vehicles.
“We check the identity cards and record the destination of the trip. If the destination is between provinces, we will ask them to make a U-turn,” he explained.
Meanwhile, if there are inter-district drivers, such as from Dumai, Bengkalis and Rokan Hilir, they will be asked for a Rapid Antigen Letter and a health protocol must be applied.
From the observations, since the existence of the toll road, so far there are not many community activities wishing to leave the area passing through the partitioning post in Kandis sub-district.
This partitioning post involves officers from all elements ranging from the Indonesian National Army, the Police, the Civil Service Police Unit, the Transportation Service, the National Disaster Management Agency, the Fire Department, the Health Service and sub-district elements who will be on guard for 24 hours alternately.