On Tuesday, police in Brooklyn announced a 13-year-old boy arrest. The 13-year-old, whose name was not released because of his age, faces a misdemeanor assault charge.
He is accused of slapping an elderly woman and trying to light her on fire on her Brooklyn home on July 14, 2020.
The victim, 89-year-old was walking toward the corner of 16th Ave. and 77th St. in Bensonhurst.
Then, she met with two young suspects that wearing surgical masks, their heads covered with shirts, and a hat.
Cops said, one of the suspects slapped the woman in the face. The old woman tried to flee, but one of the young men lit a match under her shirt and trying to set it ablaze.
After the incident, the duo ran off and leaving the woman bruised but not seriously injured. Now, the second suspect remains at large.