The Acting Chairman of TP-PKK Bengkalis Regency Hj. Herawati Syahrial carried out the Joint Movement to Wear Masks (Gebrak Masks) on Riau street, Rupat Utara District on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020.
Appeared at the event, the Head of TP-PKK of Rupat Utara District, Rita Astuti, the Head of the Community Health Centers of Tanjung Medang Ratna, and Secretary of TP-PKK Bengkalis Regency Yuni Harmonisari and also TP-PPK Members of Rupat Utara District and Village.
On that occasion, Herawati invited the public to apply the 4 M, namely Wearing Masks, Maintaining Distance, Washing Hands, and Avoiding Crowds.
“For this program that carried out to increase the public awareness to further tighten the Health Protocol as a step to break the chain of spreading the coronavirus in Bengkalis Regency”, Herawati added.
Herawati also distributed 1,500 free masks.
“Through this program, I hope the public will be more aware of the importance of using masks in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,” she concluded.
After a working visit at Riau Street, Mrs. Herawati Syahrial conducted a survey at the UPT Village Health Center in Tanjung Medang Village, Rupat Utara District as well as handing over nutritious food assistance to medical personnel on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020.
The handover of nutritious food aid for the medical personnel was symbolically given by Mrs. Hj. Herawati Syahrial to the Head of the Community Health Centers of Tanjung Medang- Rupat Utara Ratna who was present with the TP-PKK administrators of Bengkalis Regency.
Herawati also advised the medical team to always maintain health.
“This assistance is a concrete form of our moral support to the paramedics. We as a community appreciate the struggle and sincerity of the medical officers,” said Mrs. Herawati.
Furthermore, on this occasion, Mrs. Herawati also conducted a survey of the General Polyclinic, Nutrition Room Polyclinic, Dental Polyclinic, and Inpatient Rooms.
Also present to accompany the Acting, the Chairperson of TP-PKK Bengkalis Regency, the Chairperson of TP-PKK North Rupat District Rita Astuti, TP-PKK Secretary of Bengkalis Regency Yuni Harmonisari, and TP-PPK Members in Rupat Utara District and Village.